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Triune Project - Innovative products for Psychophysical Well-being

Innovative products
for Psychophysical Well-being
that work on the

electromagnetic and frequency field

Triune Project - Prodotti innovativi per il benessere psicofisico

Prodotti Innovativi
per il Benessere Psicofisico
che agiscono sul campo
elettromagnetico e frequenziale

my Energy Bars - Triune Project

Le MY ENERGY BARS sono caratterizzate da 3 specifiche tecnologie che agiscono sui tre piani dell’essere: fisico, mentale ed emotivo. La differenza di potenziale tra i 2 elementi, come in una pila, genera una microcorrente informata che ricarica le cellule del corpo e scioglie le bio-resistenze presenti.

My energy bars - Triune Project
Maggiore energia
potenziare e focalizzare l’energia
Maggiore focus
entrare meglio in contatto con sé stessi
Miglioramento dell’umore
generare armonia attraverso integrazione, presa di coscienza e trasformazione
Miglioramento del sonno

sciogliere le tensioni muscolari e trascendere l’ansia

Gestione dello stress
ridurre lo stress e diminuire le tensioni emotive
Scioglimento di blocchi emotivi ed energetici
Riconoscere e trasformare blocchi o paure
Raggiungimento degli obiettivi
attivare le proprie forze per raggiungere una meta
Gestione delle dipendenze
prendersi cura del sé e migliorare le condizioni psicofisiche


La sindrome dell'impostore

Superare la sindrome dell’impostore con la microcorrente e la teoria delle tre intelligenze

19 Maggio 2023
La paura del fallimento

Sconfiggere la paura del fallimento con la microcorrente

16 Maggio 2023

Increased Energy

enhance and focus energy

Greater focus

get more in touch with yourself

Improved mood

generate harmony through integration, awareness, and transformation
my Energy Bars - Triune Project

MY ENERGY BARS combine three different technologies that act on the three levels of being: the physical, the mental and the emotional. The potential difference between the two cylinders, like in a battery, generates an informed microcurrent that recharges the cells of the body and dissolves the bioenergetic resistances present.

My energy bars - Triune Project

Stress management

reducing stress and decreasing emotional tensions

Dissolve emotional and energetic blocks

recognizing and transforming blocks or fears

Achieve goals

activating your strengths to reach a goal


“We are an electromagnetic field, and by acting on this we can discover our superpowers”

Eng. Milena Battaglia – founder of Triune Project

“I am the founder of Triune Project, creator of My Energy Bars and My 369 Portal, and today I finally understood what makes me happy: helping people to feel good. A scientist by education, for over twenty years I have lived two parallel lives: the pragmatic and linear life of an engineer and the metaphysical and circular life of an alchemist. Today, thanks to my experiences, I have transformed this inner duality into a rebirth, starting a new journey into the triune world of wonders”.


Feeling is the most powerful weapon we have.
For fear of its deflagration, we keep it well locked inside a safe whose combination we have often forgotten.
Feeling allows us to understand and be, tuning ourselves and everything around us.
It is that thing that makes us empathetically compassionate towards our mistakes and towards the world.
It is the superpower that transforms us from an island to a continent. It allows us to enter the dimension of exchange, communication, and growth. Triune Project was born with the goal of helping people understand that feeling is not only connected to pain but also to love, joy, happiness, and well-being.
We deserve to feel good.
Opening up to feeling is the first step to achieving this goal.


I am. I feel. I create.
I have seen it, I have lived it, I have created it. 

Life has put me in very difficult situations from which I saw no way out. I found myself in an abyss, with no alternatives, no strength to turn around and understand that the abyss was just an illusion.
Illusion induced by the lack of energy: physical and mental energy.
This did not allow me to have a spherical vision, but only a linear and punctual perspective.
When I reached the bottom, when I had nothing more to lose, out of exhaustion, I let myself go and, without any more resistance, the rebirth began again.
A journey of return started thanks to a single seed planted: the awareness that I create what I AM and what I FEEL.
Thanks to this experience and the deep understanding of the consequences caused by a lack of energy resources, I decided to create tools that can help people to increase their energy and their vibrational field.
Seeds that, if cultivated with care, can help to sprout the tree of well-being, and help people understand that, with a spherical vision, life changes for the better day after day.

Milena Battaglia - CEO Triune Project

Discover the POWER of yes

Triune project- I AM

The I AM is connected to the first brain:
the enteric brain, the belly.
The I AM represents the person’s sense of identity
of the person, conscious and unconscious.
The I AM is the foundation on which our life is built.

Triune project-I Feel

The I FEEL  is connected to the second brain:
the cardiac brain, the heart.
The I FEEL allows us to empathize with ourselves and the world around us.
tHE I FEEL is the north star in the tumultuous sea of our life.

Triune project- I Create

The ICREATE is connected to the third brain: the encephalic brain, the head.
The I CREATE is the arm that transforms our thoughts into action, our desires into reality.
The I CREATE is the force that, when aligned with the I AM and the I FEEL, allows us to explore the multiverse..

Neuroscience and cognitive psychology are showing that this is not just philosophy.
Man is not a machine but owns and uses a machine.
Through the Power of YES you can have access to the instructions of your amazing spaceship.
In fact, the three brains and the nervous system constitute a marvelous and complex “mechanism for a purpose,” a kind of automatic guidance system that acts for you as a “mechanism for success” or against you as a “mechanism for failure,” and whose operation depends on how you, the operator, guide it and the purposes you set for yourself.
