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The project
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come stare bene
con sé stessi, semplicemente.

Triune Project is a quantum/multidimensional project in continuous evolution, and precisely for this reason, hard to define, born with one goal: to feel good about ourselves.

It all began with an intuition: the triune nature of the world.
We have always heard of the dual world, of yin and yang.
According to this worldview everything is analyzed from a bi-polar perspective: good or bad, black, or white, joyful, or painful.
Our lives follow, according to the classical Newtonian vision, the law of cause and effect (third law of dynamics) or, according to a more oriental vision, the law of karma.

Quantum physics is radically changing this paradigm by analyzing reality with an apparently opposite vision where it is the effect, the state of mind, the observer’s programming, to generate the cause, the reality that surrounds us.

In other words, it is not a beautiful experience that makes us happy, but it is our attitude to happiness that generates a beautiful experience that will make us feel good.

how to feel good
with yourself, easily.

But how can you “become effect“? How is it possible to transcend the duality
induced by the environment around us? How can we live better?

Triune Project - benessere Corpo Umano

Working on the electromagnetic field
to find
a new balance.

The turning point is related to the awareness of the triune power and how the development of this power, inherent in each of us, can allow a personal and global evolution, pursuing an inner balance.

The triune power is closely related to the three brains of the human machine: the enteric brain (located in the belly), the cardiac brain (located in the heart) and the encephalic brain (located in the head).§

Each of these brains has a specific neuronal network characterized, as a result of internal electrical exchanges, by its own electro-magnetic field.

The alignment and frequencies of these three fields generates the global electromagnetic field of the person, field that affects the psychophysical state of the same and consequently of the reality that represents it.

Logo Triune Project

the symbol of awareness.

The awareness of the triune nature of the world has inspired a specific symbol: the TRIUNE.

Duality creates separation, distance, and an inevitable relationship between opposites. The Triune symbol transcends the duality of conflict to enter the trinity of harmony.
It is the fusion of masculine and feminine energy that generates new life and so, similarly, to be reborn in ourselves and return to be whole, to be One, we must welcome and alchemically merge our opposites.
The Triune is the symbolic representation of this passage, necessary to improve our psycho-physical state.
The power of the symbol transcends the conscious mind and sends specific messages to the unconscious mind, for Jung the symbol is the bearer of a content that cannot be expressed in any other way.
The Triune therefore reminds the deep part of us that conflict and separation are just an illusion of our mind. Our true nature, on the other hand, is linked to trinity and harmony.

The Triune deeply represents our nature: body, mind, and spirit.
In the body it reminds us of the three intelligences connected to the three brains of the human machine (enteric, cardiac, and encephalic), or to the I Am, I Feel, and I Create.
In the mind it reminds us of the power of the triune brain (reptilian, limbic and neo-cortex) and its ability to interpret the world and ourselves.
In the spirit it reminds us of the astral, mental, and causal body.
And still, we could go deeper. The Triune in fact has a specific fractal value that allows us, thanks to its frequency, to understand the micro and macro cosmos.
The Triune is related to the magnificence of 3, 6 and 9 that, as Tesla said, are the keys of the Universe.

The Triune is also representative of cyclicity, an immanent characteristic of the nature that surrounds us, and of the synergy of the holographic colors of reality – green, blue, and red – colors through which reality itself is constituted and represented.

The goal of the Triune Project is to help people become aware that they are the driving force of their lives and that, as an electro-magnetic field, they are able to increase their energy and attract the reality that most resonates with their inner programming, transforming, and transmuting themselves. By changing the unconscious programming, it is indeed possible to transform and transmute our personal reality.

The issue is not only metaphysical but also purely physical and closely related to the human electromagnetic field and the power of the triune brain.

Inside of us,
the places where we can find ourselves.

To begin this amazing journey, you need to take care of your inner garden and your outer garden.

Triune Project - condizione psicofisica


The outer garden is connected to the body in which we live, our spaceship, and to the environment in which we reside, home and work.
Triune Project manufactures and resells products that allow a psycho-physical improvement of the person in a direct and innovative way such as:


In order to germinate, the inner garden needs specific seeds and the right nourishment. As you take care of a plant you need to take care of yourself, with small symbolic gestures and specific daily care.

About the nourishment of the inner garden, engineer Battaglia has developed mindfulness protocols and specific courses:

  • TRIUNE MEDITATION: allows the acceptance of the positive and negative in us to transcend duality and discover the wonders of the triune power inherent in us.

  • COHERENCE MEDITATION: allows, by using the three brains of the human machine (stomach, heart, mind), to dissolve the psycho-physical resistance. The meditation protocol can be amplified with the use of My Hexaspiral and My Energy Bars.

  • THE POWER OF YES: experiential seminar that allows, through practical and simple tools, to enhance the natural electro-magnetic field of the person to live better.
Triune Project -meditazione

THE VISION: To help people be.

Ing. Milena Battaglia

Milena Battaglia
fondatrice di Triune Project

Milena Battaglia
fondatrice di Triune Project

Triune Project was born with a vision: to help people feel good.

To make this possible, it is necessary to begin a wonderful journey of rediscovery of our potential and talents. One must decide, quite simply, to take care of himself and thus enter into harmony with his own Essence, his own Being. Starting with a simple YES!

Triune Project supports the fearless seekers of happiness and the desire to feel good in this amazing journey of rediscovery through tools and products that help increase the level of awareness and enhance the natural human electromagnetic and frequency field, cleaning it of physical, mental, and emotional interference.

Triune Project supports the fearless seekers of happiness and the desire to feel good in this amazing journey of rediscovery through tools and products that help increase the level of awareness and enhance the natural human electromagnetic and frequency field, cleaning it of physical, mental, and emotional interference.
Triune Project supports the development and sale of products aimed at the psycho-physical well-being of the person. Products that specifically act on the electromagnetic and frequency field of the same.
The desire is to help create a world of healthy people: in the body, mind, and spirit.

I want to feel good!

Triune Project - ritrova il benessere